
Major Milestone for DeepPath-LYDIA! It has officially gone live at the UMC Ultrecht, fully integrated into the Sectra PACS system!

We are beyond excited to announce that DeepPath-LYDIA, the only CE-Marked AI-powered decision-support system in the world that can identify metastasis from multiple cancer types with a single model, has officially gone live at the UMC Utrecht (University Medical Center Utrecht – pioneers at digitalpathology), fully integrated into the Sectra PACS system! This game-changing AI technology will enable UMC Utrecht pathologists to rapidly and accurately detect metastases in lymphnode tissue samples, speeding up cancer staging and boosting diagnostic efficiency.

We would like to extend a special thank you to SBRI Healthcare for providing the initial funding that kickstarted this project and the National Bank of Greece for its support through nbgseeds. Your support has been instrumental in turning our vision into reality.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this possible — our great inhouse team at DeepPath, the teams at UMC Utrecht and Sectra. Together, we are paving the way for a future where AI enhances healthcare and saves lives.

And the momentum doesn’t stop here! DeepPath-LYDIA is already under procurement for PathLAKE, a consortium of NHSTrusts in Southern England. This is one of the world’s largest clinical implementations of digitalpathology and AI to date, with the goal of delivering the benefits of these groundbreaking technologies to 17 million NHS patients. We are proud to be a part of this ambitious effort to revolutionize cancer diagnostics at scale.